Ocean acidification is a multi-faceted issue that can be addressed from many points of view. Interested OAIE members may join any of the collaboration teams listed below.
Welcomes dialogue about broadening our collective capacity for research, lessons learned from other community science programs, ideas for projects, and questions related to any of the above.
The Ocean Decade Action “OARS - Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability” is GOA-ON’s officially endorsed Programme for the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development.
Furthering the collaborative goals of the Global Ocean Acidification Observation Network (GOA-ON), including development of low-cost kits for measuring acidification and the Pier2Pier scientific mentorship program.
Focuses on monitoring ocean acidification, evaluating consequences, and investigating mitigation and adaptation strategies in the European region of the North East Atlantic
A forum for discussing interactions of Ocean Acidification and Harmful Algal Blooms, the factors contributing to them, co-monitoring, and the development of better understanding and communication of risks and vulnerabilities.
A resource for teachers and other educators who are interested in sharing and developing teaching materials, including labs and curricula, on the topic of ocean acidification.
Focuses on understanding changes in Canada’s oceans and coastal environments, the effects of ocean acidification on biological resources as well as building on collaborative networks and strategies to address ocean acidification in coastal communities
Focuses on coastal and ocean acidification in the waters south of Long Island, including the coastal waters of New York, New Jersey, Maryland, Delaware, and Virginia.
Focuses on coastal and ocean acidification in the waters from Long Island Sound to the Scotian Shelf, including the coastal wasters of New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia.
The OA Med-Hub network of scientists aim to better understand the effects of ocean acidification in the Mediterranean Sea, and collaborate to improve the resilience of ecosystems and coastal communities.
The Olympic Coast Ocean Acidification Sentinel Site (OASeS) is working to inform resource managers and coastal communities about the impacts of OA on its marine resources, cultures, communities and economies to ensure they are prepared for changing ocean